Hoplark Case Study

DECILE Customer Case Study

HopTea experiences 52% increase in retention with Decile

Non-alcoholic craft brews, teas and water brand experiments with product sequencing.


Food & beverage


Decile's Product Sequencing and Customer Lifecycle reports were used


Meeting customer acquisition goals without increasing budget

Goals Met

Strategic marketing campaigns were deployed to improve retention


0 %

Business Question

The Hoplark team wanted to answer the question: of customers whose first purchase is The Sample Pack One – 4 Pack, what do they buy next and when?

The Solution

Utilizing Decile’s Sequential Purchase report, it was determined that the most popular second purchase was The Relax Mixed Pack – 12 Pack. 

Decile’s Customer Lifecycle reports indicated that there was an average of 21 days between the first and second purchase. 

Using these insights, the team created an email marketing campaign highlighting The Relax Mixed Pack, and deployed 21 days after the initial purchase.

The Result

52% increase in retention

compared to the previous month

“The Decile partnership has provided us with access to user-friendly software that allows us to review key business metrics and insights that are fully supported by a fantastic service team who helps us identify new areas of opportunity.” 

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