Survey Finds Consumers Willing to Share Data – But Want Incentives

Cookies may be here to stay (for now), but that doesn’t mean you should put all of your eggs in that basket. As marketers move towards identity-based strategies, first-party data remains central to their success.

We surveyed ecommerce users to gauge their willingness to share first-party data. While it’s no surprise that almost 99% of respondents said that they made an online purchase within the past year, there were a few data points that stood out.

Key Findings

  • The majority of consumers are willing to share their personal information with a brand – but they need to get something in return. 72% are open to sharing their email address, while only 21% will share demographic information like household income or ethnicity.
  • The #1 incentive that consumers want? Discounts! They put this above rewards points, gifts with purchase, early access to promotions, and more.

Here are the results from the full set of survey data!

Have you made an online purchase in the last year?

Made an Online Purchase

Yes – 98.67%

No – 1.33%

Would you be more likely to share your personal data (email, phone, etc.) with an ecommerce site if they offered you an incentive for doing so?

Yes – 72.52%

No – 27.48%

What data are you comfortable sharing with an ecommerce site if they promised some incentive?

Respondents were asked to select all that apply

Phone Number – 47.75%

Email – 72.52%

Address – 37.39%

Birthdate – 34.68%

Products of Interest – 53.60%

Other Demographic Info (Ex: Household Income or Ethnicity) – 20.72%

What incentives would motivate you to join a loyalty program and share your data with an ecommerce website?

Respondents were asked to select all that apply

Discounts – 74.32%

Personalized Recommendations – 21.17%

Early Access to Sales or Product Releases – 32.43%

Reward Points – 59.01%

Faster Checkouts – 20.27%

Custom Gift w/Purchase – 31.98%

Other – 5.41%

Of the respondents who selected “Other”, the top incentive specified included a form of cash reward: cash back, gift card, or money back. 

Ready to fine tune your first-party data strategy? Contact us to book a demo.